Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Alhamdulillah, baru lepas VIVA. akhirnya kt berpisah jugak, wahai Mr thesis. hehe. tak lama lagi final exam, pastu internship, lepas tu grad. cepatnye mase berlalu. huu

#sgt rindu kat kucing2 kesayangan. :(


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.  The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares ~Henri Nouwen (: (imy)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

its not about me. LOL ;p

the story begins

its time to wake up

 staring, trying hard to gain senses.

ouh! so totally awake! haha

having brunch, alone.

have done my housework so its time to enjoy myself

okay, now I'm bored to death.

its time to sleep, night people!

the end

hanya utk suka suka ;p
[I heart U lah. haha]

credit to : tumbIr and the owner of the original post

Friday, May 20, 2011


Things that make you smile: 

Love. Knowing you're missed. Doing the right thing and being appreciated for it. Making a joke that everyone laughs at. Eating amazing food. Taking a really long bath. Watching a movie that makes your jaw drop to the floor. Reading a book that makes you speechless. No lines at an amusement park, a store, or anywhere, really. Having an amazing dream. Missing out on flu season. Finding money on the ground, or in the couches or the laundry. When a season premier or finale is just awesome. When your friends ask you what's wrong when you look down. Being able to surf the web all day without your parents nagging you. The sky, no matter rain or shine, it's always beautiful. Getting compliments. Pets. Buying new gadgets or clothes. When technology advances. When you have a really good day. When it's midnight and you're riding in a car, the cool night breeze in your face. Getting presents. Giving presents. Having good outfits. Friends, friends, friends! 

i just want to smile again...
not that fake " hey whats up" smile
i want to smile again.. and mean it..


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


let's end this on a better note, and pretend i hadn't lost all hope. then maybe you will understand what i meant when i told you i'm too wounded at this point; i'm just too difficult. so, goodbye. goodbye. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


enjoy listening to instrumentals
 piano etc

oh they are so euphonious!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday cik puan Normazida Jusoh [asal: terengganu. ttbe] hehe. kt tau belum midnight lagi, tp kalo dah maghrib means dah masuk hari baru kann? kannn? birthday awk la hari ni. cam tak caya je. muka muda je tgk,tak TUA langsung [okay nampak beno nipunye. bodek. haha] eh eh, awak dah doploh dua laa. 22 okay. terhighlight plak. takpe, umur tak penting,  yg penting peribadi kt, adakah selari atau tidak dgn umur kt tu. [kan dah terbagi class kaunseling] kt tak tau nak tulis ape, awk okay ke kt tulis satu dunia baca ni?  ke awak nak kt PM awk? ley la berkasih sayang lbey sket, ye idok? hehe. 

  There are few things yg kt nak sgt ckp kat awak; slaen family, awk org yg kt plg syygggg skali  [terharu? ngs cpt!] thanks sbb slalu ada ngan kt. well, tyme kt ngade2, pk mslh yg ntah pape, okay je even kt moody baling2 barang, slalu pesan kt mcm2 [mcm mak nenek], slalu tau ble kt tak okay,  slalu ckp "tqa~ ngade!!" [ngade takpe, jgn gedik] kt slalu tau awak syg kt. hehe. pasannyewwww [anwarhadi] kt tetap BFFFFFFFF smpi tua, smpi ble2. awak shbt dunia akhirat insyaALLAH. ^^ mintak maaf salah silap kt. kt tau kt slalu sakitkan ati awak, marah awak, jeling awak, tumbuk je belum [bg la chance skali je, ley? hehe] okay, nnt kalo kt nak ckp ape2 lagi, kt ckp direct je kat awak. bio smpai awak tutup2 telinga takmo dgr. haha nahhh, skrg ni..

  And there are few wishes yg nak sgt kt ckp kat awak; smg dgn peningkatan umur ni, awak slalu slalu baik2 aje dlm jagaan ALLAH [may ALLAH always be with u dear!] smg amalan, iman dikuatkan, kebaikan sntiasa mengiringi awak dunia akhirat. smg awak berjaya dunia akhirat [kt pon happy gak tgk awak berjaya. siyes. tp, kalo ter-jeles sket ley ke? huhu] study rajin2, jgn tension2 wat thesis! kt doakan awak and kita sama2 DL yg diberkati sem ni. [cehhh, exam tak abes ag. takpe, aim high. hukk]  

  Haaaa, part yg dinanti2, and mesti awak mmg nak sgt dgr ayat2 ni.. awak tu, dah tua dah, cepat2 le kahwin! [awok ni dah tak sabo nak nengok kome kahwin. ttbe. haha] smg cepat jumpa jodoh, dpt jodoh yg baik,soleh; dipertemukan dgn cara yg baik [tak ensem takpe, janji ati ensem. oke2?] okayy awak. dah panjang sgt dah ni. nnt tggu edisi tgh malam lak okay. hehe. kt plan nak balas kad birthday yg awak bg kat kt last year. ala. yg romantik-scence tenung2 tu, tp takde sumber. cne? ce cte ce cte. ;p

sanah helwah! 
enjoy your day.

eh lupe, happy LABOUR DAY! haha. (:

Saturday, April 16, 2011

saya.thesis.dan exam.

FINAL exam will start so soon!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Ingatlah sabda Rasulullah; "Sesiapa yg menahan marah sedangkan dia mampu melepaskan marahnya, Allah akan memanggilnya pada hari kiamat di depan sekalian makhluk sehingga Allah memberinya pilihan untuk dia memilih mana2 bidadari" Hadith riwayat Ahmad, Abu Daud & At-Tirmizi DAN "Apabila seseorang kamu marah hendaklah dia diam" Nabi saw mengucapkannya sebanyak 3 kali. Hadith Riwayat Ahmad, Tarmizi & Abu Daud

tgk gambar baby tak jadi nak marah dah. cooomel okay! ^^ 
err..okay yang last tu bukan baby. tau2. huhu. ;p

Saturday, April 2, 2011


jom fokus untuk final! 
23 hari je lagi. 
nak deactivate fb!
tapi tak boleh. huuk

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

tetapi ingat bahawa kamu akan..

Jibril pernah mengingatkan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dgn wasiatnya yang bermaksud: 

Hiduplah kamu sebagaimana yang kamu kehendaki, 
tetapi ingat bahawa kamu akan mati

Dan cintailah sesiapa yang engkau kehendaki,
 tetapi ingat bahawa kamu akan berpisah dengannya. 

Dan buatlah apa sahaja yang engkau kehendaki, 
tetapi awas kamu akan dibalas atas apa yang dilakukan itu. 

Dan ketahuilah bahawa kemuliaan orang beriman itu 
terletak pada qiamullailnya

 dan kehebatannya 
bila dia tidak bergantung pada orang lain. 

Hadis Riwayat Al-Hakim dan Abu Naim

awk, sabar!

Assalamualaikum. Eiyt, just remember one thing, life is too short okay. I repeat, SANGAT PENDEK. So kenapa  mesti buang masa dan tenaga melayan perasaan-perasaan yang sangat tak best?  em, berikut adalah nasihat kawan saya;

 just be patient dear. igt rasulAllah lg bsr dugaannya bndg kt. tp baginda ley bersabar. insyaAllah. sabar je. ada saham awk kat akhirat nnt. Allah nak uji awk skarang.. insyaAllah. serahkan sume pada Allah. tu sume hasutan syaitan. lawan! jgn menyerah. dont give up! insyaAllah. just throw a smile when they, he or she did something bad to u. sabar tu susah. tapi manis dan ganjarannya besar. insyaAllah. fight syaitan back! dont let them win.

thanks. sy syg semua orang. hee

Make Yourself Shine in a Gloominess

Friday, March 18, 2011


pengajaran hari ini;

don't judge people too quickly
because he or she may be 
much BETTER than you 
at everything.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

syg awak.

awak buatlah macam mana pon, 
awak tetap kawan saya.
dan saya akan selalu..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

broke a rule.

I obviously broke a rule
I know.

*mood tgh bajet cool and tak marah org.
ckp terus terang, jgn perli2 ea. fuhh

Saturday, January 22, 2011


 Feeling of extreme tiredness.
All I want to do is sleep.

I'm grouchy when I'm fatigued 
and I just don't care.

ya ALLAH kuatkan smgt saya.
Kdg2 rasa siyes dah tak larattt~
[baru tiga minggu kuliah]

Thursday, January 6, 2011

endure it.

Best thing to do is forget and move on.
Yeah. I'll just have to endure it. :'(

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You'll never be alone again
So don't you fear
Even if you're miles away
I'm by your side
So don't you ever be lonely
Love will make it alright

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


sad, miserable, discontented, despondent, dejected, gloomy, 
forlorn, sorrowful, melancholic, depressed, down.
