Saturday, January 22, 2011


 Feeling of extreme tiredness.
All I want to do is sleep.

I'm grouchy when I'm fatigued 
and I just don't care.

ya ALLAH kuatkan smgt saya.
Kdg2 rasa siyes dah tak larattt~
[baru tiga minggu kuliah]

Thursday, January 6, 2011

endure it.

Best thing to do is forget and move on.
Yeah. I'll just have to endure it. :'(

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You'll never be alone again
So don't you fear
Even if you're miles away
I'm by your side
So don't you ever be lonely
Love will make it alright

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


sad, miserable, discontented, despondent, dejected, gloomy, 
forlorn, sorrowful, melancholic, depressed, down.
